The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) is a collaboration of Australian and New Zealand institutional investors focused on the impact of climate change on investments. The IGCC represents investors with total funds under management of over $2 trillion. IGCC members cover over 7.5 million people in Australia and New Zealand. By joining the IGCC, members acknowledge that companies, markets and economies face risks and opportunities associated with climate change and that these risks and opportunities will impact on the financial returns of investments. Members of the IGCC are acting to protect their individual investors’ financial future, and this commitment underpins the IGCC’s approach. IGCC members are aware that as responsible owners they can play a role in encouraging a proactive response to what is one of the most significant impacts on investors, business, and society. Membership of the IGCC is open to institutional investors focused on the impact of climate change on investments Download our brochure How to join Full members Supporting members Associate members In this section Our members About Manage As a not-for-profit organisation, we are funded by membership, partnerships and supporters who understand the power of investors to support climate action. Together, we’re working towards climate solutions Find out more Support our work Sign up to our newsletter "*" indicates required fields First Name* Last Name* Organisation Email*