Bushfire Royal Commission: Government must help unlock private capital to build national resilience to climate change

30 October 2020

In response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) General Manager, Crystal Fleming, said:

“IGCC welcomes the recommendations of the Royal Commission, which will go a long way to making our communities safer in the face of worsening natural disasters. Investment in climate change resilience has been sadly undervalued in Australia for too long and we must urgently rectify this to avoid unmanageable impacts to our economy and communities.

“Many of the recommendations put forward by the Royal Commission are in line with IGCC’s submission to the inquiry, particularly establishing a standing resilience and recovery entity, the implementation of the National Disaster Risk Information Services Capability, more detailed national climate projections, the development of consistent data standards, a process for reviewing and improving the resilience  of critical infrastructure, mandatory consideration of natural disaster risk in land-use planning decisions, and updating the National Construction Code to reflect climate change. 

“In its response to the Royal Commission, the Federal Government will need to go further than what has been proposed if it’s to unlock the billions of dollars in private capital critical to building climate change resilience across our country.

Read the full media release
