Six leading organisations representing Victorian workers, business, investors, community and the environment have joined forces for the first time to call for decisive and responsible Victorian Government action on climate change.
The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Australian Industry Group, the Investor Group on Climate Change, Victorian Trades Hall Council, the Victorian Council of Social Service and Environment Victoria developed the statement, urging the Victorian Government to reduce emissions and implement a plan to transition to a low-carbon economy.
The organisations call on the Victorian Government to:• Set emissions reduction targets in line with Victoria’s equitable share of the global emissions reduction challenge set by the objectives of the Paris agreement (to keep warming well below two degrees and pursue efforts to keep warming to 1.5 degrees), and the achievement of net zero emissions by 2050;
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Establish an independent authority to guide planning and implementation of equitable climate transition policies, including fair transition for workers and industries, households, and communities facing the greatest risk;
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Assist industries and communities to adapt to the consequences of climate change; and
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Coordinate with other jurisdictions to achieve a nation-wide approach.
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Taking immediate action will ensure Victorians reap the multiple benefits of cutting emissions: avoiding the worst impacts of climate change, attracting new jobs and investment to the state and ensuring no one is left behind in the transition.