Investors Welcome Government Commitment to Net Zero Sector Pathways
1 December 2022
1 December 2022
The Australian Government has agreed to establish sector pathways to net zero emissions, based on the recommendations in today’s report by The Climate Change Authority.
Quotes from IGCC Director of Policy, Erwin Jackson:
“Investors have the capital ready to fund climate solutions. A reliable picture of the risks and opportunities across all sectors of the economy will open the door for investors to allocate capital to these solutions with confidence.”
“Investors look forward to seeing sector-by-sector emissions targets and detailed plans as a crucial next step towards unlock billions of new investment.”
“The Government and Parliament must strengthen the Safeguard Mechanism to ensure Australian industries remain competitive in a net zero world.”
“Australia is in a global race to attract capital to ensure our continued economic prosperity as we steer towards a net zero world. Implementing stable long-term policy and forging political consensus on climate policy reforms will ensure Australia is an attractive destination for capital investment.”
In September this year, the Investor Group on Climate Change released its members’ priorities for the policies that will support investors funding the transition to net zero. Sector by Sector targets and pathways were one of the recommendations in the report, so we are pleased to see the the Climate Change Authority making the aligned recommendation, and the Government establishing this approach.
Media Contact
Fergus Pitt
Director of Media & Communications
+61 476 101 542 |