Joint Statement calls on the finance sector to support the development of Sustainable Finance Roadmaps for Australia and New Zealand
24 July 2018
IGCC has today joined with the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA), the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance, and the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) – collectively representing over 300 institutions with $10 trillion in assets – to sign a joint statement that commits to starting the development of Sustainable Finance Roadmaps for Australia and New Zealand.
Emma Herd, CEO of Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC), said: “Getting the policy signals right in the financial system is crucial for delivering on the goals of the Paris Agreement and tackling climate change. In markets and economies all over the world, investors are seeing hard evidence of the financial benefits of a more sustainable financial system. We welcome the opportunity to help put Australia and New Zealand on the path to developing our own Sustainable Finance Roadmaps”.
We are now encouraging our members and the wider finance sector in Australia and New Zealand to join with us in support of this commitment to develop Sustainable Finance Roadmaps through the Joint Statement in support of a Sustainable Financial System, released at the UNEP FI Conference on Financing a Resilient and Sustainable Economy in Sydney today.