At IGCC we recognise the need for urgent action to combat climate change and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

We are dedicated to making a positive impact. Partner with us to contribute to our ambitious efforts.

Why Support IGCC?

Systemic Impact

We develop and implement innovative and systemic solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change.

Your support funds critical projects and initiatives that will make a real difference in reducing carbon emissions, switching to clean energy, and fostering climate resilience.

Expertise and Partnerships

We have a dedicated team of experts who are passionate and have deep knowledge and experience across climate, investment, business and policy development.

Through our team’s extensive networks, our global funding partners and partnerships, we ensure that your contributions are utilized effectively and efficiently.

Transparency and Accountability

We understand the importance of achieving our ambitious impact targets. We provide regular updates and report on the progress and outcomes of our projects.

Our commitment to accountability provides confidence that your support will have a direct and measurable impact on combating climate change.

Amplified Impact

By supporting our development work you become part of a larger movement to address climate change.

Together, we can amplify our efforts and send a powerful message to policymakers, industry, and communities globally. Your funding support serves as a catalyst for change and inspires others to join in climate action.

How You Can Contribute

Core Funding

Your financial contribution can have a significant impact on our ability to implement impactful climate change solutions.

Every dollar counts and brings us closer to a more sustainable future.

Partnerships and Sponsorship

Please contact us to explore collaboration through sponsorship and partnerships.

By aligning your brand with specific climate change initiatives, you demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and contribute to a better future.

Spread The Word

Help us reach a wider audience by sharing our campaigns through social media, email, and word of mouth.

Encourage the investor community to support our cause and take meaningful climate action.

Join us today in our mission to combat climate change and let us create a sustainable future together.
Together, we can make a profound impact on our planet and generate sustainable returns for the investor community.
We can make a difference.
Thank you for your support!

To learn more about our development and partnership opportunities please reach out via our contact form below