Policy settings will make or break investors’ ability navigate a fast, fair and orderly transition to a net zero economy. That’s why effective policy advocacy is so important and a crucial part of investment stewardship.
Join this interactive and practical Masterclass run by the IGCC Policy and Advocacy team to:
- Learn about how policy is really made from veteran climate policy expert, Honorary Professor Howard Bamsey
- Connect the dots between the Government’s real economy climate policies with the Head of Emissions Reduction at DCCEEW, Kath Rowley
- Explore the next frontier of policy advocacy with Ben Oquist
- Learn from your fellow IGCC members who’ve engaged in successful policy advocacy campaigns:
- Tyrone O’Neill, Chief Strategy and Corporate Affairs Officer (REST)
- Anna Engwerda-Smith, Executive Director Policy and Strategy (IFM)
- Ros McKay, Head of Responsible Investment (Cbus)
- Bjorn De Smedt, Responsible Investment Specialist (First Sentier Investors)
An agenda will be circulated to members ahead of the masterclass.
This masterclass is also open to staff involved in policy engagement more generally. Please forward this invitation to relevant colleagues in your institution’s policy and/or corporate affairs teams.
Please register to attend below. To make the most of the session, please tell us what topics are most important to you in our registration form.