IGCC September Member Briefing

Member Meeting

11 September 2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Timezone: Australia/Sydney
Sydney, Melbourne & online via Zoom
Climate Action Pays Off: Members' Preview

What’s happening: This is a detailed preview of Climate Action Pays Off, a targeted cross platform campaign to educate the community about the economic benefits of climate action in line with investors’ fiduciary duty.

What we’re doing: From late September to early November, IGCC is promoting human-centred stories to key audiences, driving awareness of the job and economic benefits of the clean energy transition, as well as the significant financial risks of a delayed and disorderly path to a net zero emissions economy. It will include paid media, PR and direct engagement.

Why it matters: Climate change is a systemic risk and opportunity for the returns of IGCC’s members and the economy overall. With public support slipping for the crucial roll out of renewable energy, research shows IGCC and investors have a role to play educating audiences who are cautious or concerned about the energy transition.

In this session:

Join this Member Briefing to

  • Get a preview of the Climate Action Pays Off campaign content
  • Learn from marketing experts on how strategic communications can improve policy and investment outcomes
  • Hear from IGCC members who support the campaign and learn more about how you and your organisation can get involved


Please register to attend below:


Member Meeting

11 September 2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Timezone: Australia/Sydney
Sydney, Melbourne & online via Zoom

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