Hunter businesses calling for a strong 2035 emissions reduction target

16 December 2024
Today, the Investor Group on Climate Change has released a joint statement with nine critical Hunter businesses and peak bodies calling on the Federal Parliament to commit to a strong 2035 emissions reduction target.

The businesses and organisations include: AGL, Ampcontrol, Beyond Zero Emissions, Energy Renaissance, Hunter Jobs Alliance, Hunter Renewal, Investor Group on Climate Change, MCi Carbon, MGA Thermal and Verdant Produce.

The Hunter region is the energy and industrial powerhouse of NSW. The heavy industries that populate the region have provided NSW, Australia, and the world with steel, coal, and power for more than one hundred years.

But the world’s needs are changing.

The Hunter region is well set up to take advantage of renewable energy, now the cheapest form of new power generation, and is already putting in the hard work to shift its industrial base in preparation for a cleaner future with more jobs and economic prosperity.

“Hunter businesses have joined forces today to call for a strong 2035 emissions reduction target to ensure this region continues to be an economic and energy powerhouse,” said IGCC CEO Rebecca Mikula-Wright.

“We know that if Australia embraces clean energy, the Hunter can expect thousands of additional local jobs as part of the regional clean energy hub and a share in over $300 billion in new export opportunities.”

But this is only possible if Australia builds on its current policy direction, including by setting a strong 2035 emissions reduction target.

“We’re already seeing the effects of climate change with more extreme weather events. Without a fast and well-planned transition, we will see this trend worsen with further costly disruptions to our local communities and businesses,” said Ms Mikula-Wright.

“There will also be a severe economic cost. Without the right investment signal, regions like the Hunter will not see the capital required to fuel our future industries.”

“And as the fossil fuel industry retires, the Hunter needs new industries to take their place and keep jobs in this region.”

Adopting a strong emissions reduction target is the sensible path forward to protect livelihoods, new jobs and economic security.

Additional Quotes Available for Media Use:

Rod Henderson, Ampcontrol Managing Director & CEO

“We are on the cusp of a once in a generation opportunity, with the Hunter region well placed to become a renewable energy powerhouse. At Ampcontrol, we feel strongly about keeping manufacturing jobs here in Australia. We have the smarts and resources required to lead the global energy revolution, and we need government and industry to back these efforts. We have a considered Climate Action Plan that guides Ampcontrol, as well as our suppliers, customers, and community, as we decarbonise and help to make net zero a reality through a just energy transition. We gladly lend our support to the IGCC’s Climate Action Pays Off campaign.”

Dr. Alex Post, MGA Thermal CTO and Co-Founder

“The Hunter is the centre of the National Electricity Network, a major producer and consumer of energy. The region has the expertise and resources to drive the global energy revolution and MGA Thermal is committed to supporting manufacturing jobs in Australia.

“Our vision is clear: make 24/7 renewable energy a reality. We are doing this through decarbonising industrial heat, meaning we are helping to decarbonise everyday items and industries such as food and beverage, chemicals, building products, textiles and more.

“We proudly support the IGCC’s Climate Action Pays Off campaign, and urge both government and industry to join us in turning this vision into action.”

Marcus Dawe, MCi Carbon Founder & CEO

“Innovation and ambition are creating local jobs, attracting investment in clean technologies, and building more sustainable communities. Australia needs an ambitious 2035 emissions reduction target to match. At MCi Carbon, our team of engineers, scientists and commercial experts has grown from 20 employees in 2020 to 60 in 2024 as we scale our carbon capture and utilisation platform in Newcastle. MCi Carbon has been proudly supported by the Australian Government consistently since 2013, representing over $40m in funding through to 2030. Strong climate leadership will continue to create a vibrant low-carbon future for the Hunter.”

Justin Page, Hunter Jobs Alliance Coordinator

“The Hunter Jobs Alliance advocates for an orderly transition that ensures workers, communities, and the environment are not left behind. Promising steps are already underway in the Hunter, such as the Net Zero Economy Agency’s Hunter Transition Workforce Planning and the establishment of the TAFE Net Zero Manufacturing Centre of Excellence.

However, a strong 2035 emissions reduction target is essential to sustain this momentum and establish a clear framework that ensures economic transformation benefits workers and communities, with sustainability and social equity at the core of the transition.”

Sam Mella, Beyond Zero Emissions Senior Project Manager (Hunter)

“With the right investment, the Hunter can remain a global energy hub in the zero emission economy.Strong 2035 emission reduction targets will create certainty and a level playing field for all businesses operating in the Hunter. Beyond Zero Emissions’s research shows that green exports can dwarf fossil fuel exports and provide us with jobs and economic security into the future. Like our superannuation, we need to invest in our future now to create a prosperous and secure tomorrow.”

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