The Economic Imperative for Net Zero
What’s happening:
As net zero targets face increasing headwinds, global discussions around 1.5°C vs 2°C pathways are intensifying. The science, however, remains unchanged: stabilising the climate is critical, and delaying action carries significant economic risks.
In a recent article, IIGCC explains what net zero means, why reaching it is crucial to achieving climate stability, and why the 1.5°C goal still matters.
Why we should care:
Failing to keep global temperature rise below 2°C would have drastic social and economic consequences. A new report from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and University of Cambridge finds that inaction on climate change could lead to economic damages of up to a third of GDP if global temperatures rise by 3°C this century. The resulting disruptions to productivity, supply chains and incomes would affect all sectors.
At the same time, the report suggests that investing a fraction of GDP to limit warming below 2°C could significantly reduce the estimated losses and unlock compelling economic returns.
Join us for this Member Briefing to explore:
- Why Net Zero Matters: Hear about the science behind net zero, why it matters and why we need to reach it fast.
- The Economic Case for Climate Action: Be briefed on the latest insights into the financial implications of climate inaction and why accelerating the transition makes economic sense.
- Priority Actions: Learn about some key priorities required to overcome barriers and drive meaningful climate action.
Please register to attend below. Please note that we have shifting the timing of this meeting to accommodate international speakers.