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Unlocking Investment In The Australian Hydrogen Industry

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Regenerate & Restore: A Circular Economy Discussion Paper For Investors

Report | Jillian Reid, Mercer, Ashleigh Morris, Coreo, and Madeleine Hill, IGCC, | 9 June 2022

This discussion paper provides a briefing fundamentals, the investment opportunity, and the link between circular economy approaches and climate mitigation, resilience and adaptation.

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illustrative landscape image.

Changing Pathways for Australian Gas

Report | Kate Simmonds and Kate Donnelly | April 2022

This report highlights that under 1.5°C Paris-aligned scenarios new gas projects may be economically challenged, and investors may be cautious of capex in the sector. The report represents input from some of Australia’s largest superannuation funds and retail fund managers, who invest on behalf of more than 7.5 million Australians.


Corporate Climate Transition Plans: A Guide to Investor Expectations

Report | Investor Group on Climate Change | March 2022

This report aims to help companies preparing climate transition plans and investors engaging with these improved plans. By summarising existing guidance it provides a clear set of investor expectations for Australian businesses’ climate plans.
It lays out five important principles for adequate climate transition plans:
  1. Set comprehensive science-based quantitative targets across all material emission scopes (which includes emissions in the supply chain and from customers’ use)
  2. Outline a strategy to deliver targets, identify enablers and disclose quantifiable impacts
  3. Set sector-specific commitments and actions aligned with 1.5°C decarbonisation pathways
  4. Ensure investment commitments (capital expenditure) is aligned to the targets
  5. Commit to annual transparent disclosure and monitoring with external verification
The report is a useful resource for business stakeholders, including investors, for assessing companies’ climate plans during proxy season.


Climate Disclosures: Lessons from Global Trends For Aotearoa New Zealand

Report | Mark Baker-Jones, Donovan Burton and Ian Edwards | January 2022

This report considers emerging global best practice for standards on climate risk disclosure regimes and how they might be adopted into the incoming mandatory regime in New Zealand to enable investors to make well-informed decisions. Analysis from IGCC shows reporting standards for NZ’s landmark climate risk disclosure regime must match emerging global best practice to help ensure the country’s economic competitiveness in international capital markets.


A Changing Climate: What Investors Expect of Company Directors on Climate Risk

Report | Investor Group on Climate Change | November 2021

The report provides guidance on what outcomes investors want to see directors and boards deliver as companies set out their net zero ambitions and approaches. It finds Australian company directors lack the skills and experience to lead the corporate transition to net zero emissions by 2050 and it is unclear how they are addressing this gap.


The State of Net Zero Investment Australia and New Zealand: 2021

Report | Investor Group on Climate Change | June 2021

IGGC’s investor survey provides insights into how Australian and New Zealand investors are responding to climate risk and net zero investment opportunities. Sentiment with investors show a strong focus around pathways and roadmaps to a net zero economy. The report highlights some of the factors driving investor thinking and behaviour as they seek to respond to climate change risks and pursue emerging net zero investment opportunities.


Confusion to Clarity: A Plan for Mandatory TCFD-Aligned Disclosure in Australia

Report | Investor Group on Climate Change | June 2021

A Plan for Mandatory TCFD-Aligned Disclosure in Australia


Empowering Communities: How investors can support an equitable transition to net zero.

Report | Investor Group on Climate Change | May 2021

This report highlights the challenges and opportunities for Australian communities economically tied to fossil fuel industries. It includes, an assessment of energy markets, a climate policy landscape (as of May 2021), the increasing action from financial organisations to address climate related risk and opportunities, the dynamics of fossil fuel sectors under different climate scenarios, including both orderly and delayed transition pathways.
