Resource type: Submission
Submission on Mandatory Climate Disclosures – Draft Legislation
Submission | Amy Quinton | 13 February 2024
Our submission supports the direction of the legislation and provides insights on where the legislation needs to be clearer, particularly reporting threshold criteria for investment institutions.
Climate Financial Disclosures Submission – Second Treasury’s Consultation Paper
Submission | Amy Quinton | July 2023
Australia is broadly on the right track when it comes to mandatory climate disclosures; the sooner investors can get a reliable and comprehensive picture of climate risks and opportunities for the companies they hold, the sooner they can efficiently put capital to work decarbonising the economy.
Submission: Climate Change Authority – Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets – Issues Paper
Submission | Erwin Jackson | June 2023
IGCC’s submission covers four main topics:
- National and sector pathways and goals should be 1.5°C aligned.
- Currently, the physical impacts of climate change are significantly under-priced in financial markets.
- Australia can be a world leader in resilience
- Australia needs quality climate modelling and scenarios covering both transition and physical risks.