Sector Pathways, Released Today, Will Help Capital Flow for Australian Clean Industry
5 September 2024
Quotes from Erwin Jackson, Managing Director of Policy
The Climate Change Authority’s advice on the sector net zero pathways, released today, are a key building block for good policy making, and that translates to investor confidence.
“Policy credibility, stability and certainty are crucial to keep capital flowing towards Australia’s clean industries, and that means good jobs, training opportunities and income across the country.”
In November, IGCC released a discussion paper which outlines why credible, transparent, and comprehensive sector decarbonisation pathways are critical for international and domestic investment in Australia’s transition.
“Australian and global investors are looking for ways to keep investing in renewable energy, green exports, and more efficient industry.
“Actionable sector transition pathways can underpin stable and long-term policies. This helps investors avoid investing in stranded assets and allows them to allocate capital confidently in net zero industries.
“The Authority’s review is a critical step in establishing a common understand of the risks and opportunities of the transition between experts, investors, business, the community and governments.
“The critical next step from today is the Authority’s advice, and subsequent decision by the Government, on Australia’s 2035 target.
“With a strong 2035 climate target investors, both here and abroad, will have the confidence to continue investing in Australian jobs and a fairer future for all.”