Market: Australia

Submission: Strategic phase out of fossil fuels for future-proofed green industries

21 November 2023

To maintain and attract capital for Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, actions in different sectors must add up to and be consistent with the Government’s stated policy objective of limiting climate change damages above 1.5oC. The Future Gas Strategy should be aligned with this objective and be embedded within a credible set of sector decarbonisation plans. 

Energy Sub Working Group Meeting

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Submission: Market drivers to reward renewable electricity

2 November 2023

IGCCs submission to the Federal Government’s consultation on an Australia’s Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) scheme focuses on providing investment certainty for the creation of renewable energy certificates beyond 2030. With the decarbonisation of the electricity sector over the next 10-15 years central to Australia achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, the evolution of renewable energy certificates is essential to aligning demand with supply and creating the incentive structures for renewable energy growth in Australia.

Investable Sector Climate Plans Are Crucial to Clean Energy Competitiveness

2 November 2023

Right now the Australian government is developing climate plans for the economy's most important sectors. This new paper discusses how to make those plans investable.

Decarbonisation Investment Solutions for Sectors

Report | Dr Ian Woods & Dr Rory Sullivan | 3rd November 2023

A discussion paper on Sector Transition Plans and their importance to investors


Investing in Australia’s Vital Regions

Report | Kate Donnelly & Chris Newton | 26 October 2023


Submission: Resilient and adaptive residential assets

5 October 2023

IGCCs submission to the Senate inquiry on residential electrification discusses demand-side investment opportunities via the aggregation of actively controlled Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The submission considers how such scaled, orchestrated DER opportunities can reduce long-term electricity price inflation and create enduring social, employment, and health benefits for Australian families.

Australian company assessments show progress but actions still fall well short of 1.5°C goal

28 September 2023

Climate Action 100+ has just released the assessments of the 14 Australian focus companies showing many companies are lagging in their climate ambition.

Submission: Economic Modelling to support investible sector pathways

19 September 2023

IGCC has made a submission to the Climate Change Authority's consultation on economic modelling, to support its advice to Government for Australia’s 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement.

$150 trillion of investors call for mandatory reporting of climate transition plans

8 September 2023

Australia’s new climate reporting rules should match global best practice by including standardised and decision-useful transition plans, according to three networks of investors who manage more than $150 trillion.