A picture of Dani Siew

Dani Siew

Senior Manager, Corporate Engagement

Dani is the Senior Manager of Corporate Engagement at IGCC and supports the implementation of Climate Action 100+ in Australia and New Zealand.

She coordinates the IGCC corporate engagement program that is focused on aligning portfolio companies with net zero ambitions, produces sector and thematic research and initiatives, and was lead author on a number of IGCC reports and briefs including “Unlocking investment in the Australian hydrogen industry” and “Corporate Climate Transition Plans: a guide to investor expectations”. She is a key contributor to the Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark and covers companies in the industrials sector.

Prior to joining IGCC, she was a sustainability and corporate reporting consultant with several years’ experience providing ESG and investor-related consulting services for ASX listed companies. Dani has worked extensively in the climate change space across a range of topic areas including but not limited to TCFD, climate risk assessments and strategy, and scenario analysis.

Dani has qualifications in both finance and psychology.

Illustration with a nature background behind the climate action 100 logo.

Companies’ Climate Ambition Contrasted By Lack Of Detailed Action Plans

18 October 2023

Climate Action 100+, the world’s largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has released the latest round of company assessments against its newly updated Net Zero Company Benchmark, drawing on distinct analytical methodologies and datasets from public and self-disclosed data from companies.
Illustration with a nature background behind the climate action 100 logo.

Climate Action 100+ Summary Presentation of Global Company Assessments

Briefing | Climate Action 100+ | 18 October 2023

The Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark evaluates the performance of some of the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters on their net zero transition, and against the initiative’s three high-level goals: emissions reduction, governance, and disclosure.


Climate Action 100+ 2023 Assessments of Heavy Emitting Companies’ Climate Progress

Data File | Climate Action 100+ | 18 October 2023

Excel file of the full climate action 100 assessments of global companies against the benchmark.


Net Zero Standard For Diversified Miners Now Available

7 September 2023

This standard, produced by Climate Action 100+, will provide investors with the necessary metrics to help assess diversified mining companies’ transition plans to net zero.

Investor Expectations for Diversified Mining

Guide | Dani Siew, Kate Donnelly, Dr Sam Cornish, Dan Gardiner, Jheel Baldi | 7 September 2023

Investor Expectations for Diversified Mining is a supporting resource to be used in conjunction with the Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. The Standard is an adaptable and rigorous framework for institutional investors to ascertain how mining companies are navigating the multi-faceted and complex sector-specific aspects of the global transition to net zero.
