Topic: Mining

Submission: Investible Plan for Green Metals

18 July 2024

IGCC supports the Future Made in Australia agenda which DISR is consulting on in relation to green metals investment. Good community and workforce outcomes are critical elements of secure industries, and supporting innovation across the capital stack will generate a pipeline of investible opportunities for institutional investors to provide patient capital towards. Mass deployment of renewable energy to support green metals industries is essential.

Submission: Investible Plan for Green Metals

Submission | Bethany Richards | 18 July 2024

Key points: The Investor Group on Climate Change welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission on accelerating investment in green metals industries, as part of the Future Made in Australia agenda. This submission will highlight barriers and opportunities for investors, and for green metals industries. These include the following barriers:


Illustration with a nature background behind the climate action 100 logo.

Companies’ Climate Ambition Contrasted By Lack Of Detailed Action Plans

18 October 2023

Climate Action 100+, the world’s largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has released the latest round of company assessments against its newly updated Net Zero Company Benchmark, drawing on distinct analytical methodologies and datasets from public and self-disclosed data from companies.
Illustration with a nature background behind the climate action 100 logo.

Climate Action 100+ Summary Presentation of Global Company Assessments

Briefing | Climate Action 100+ | 18 October 2023

The Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark evaluates the performance of some of the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters on their net zero transition, and against the initiative’s three high-level goals: emissions reduction, governance, and disclosure.


Climate Action 100+ 2023 Assessments of Heavy Emitting Companies’ Climate Progress

Data File | Climate Action 100+ | 18 October 2023

Excel file of the full climate action 100 assessments of global companies against the benchmark.


Emissions-Intensive Asset Exits: A Universal Owner Perspective on Sales & Managed Closures

Report | Kate Donnelly & Dr Ian Woods | 21 September 2023

This discussion paper explores a tension that arises when companies divest themselves from emissions-intensive assets: Such exits may reduce the transition risk associated with that particular asset, but overall systemic risk may be maintained, or even increase. It also identifies four broad areas in which investors can act to alleviate


Investor Expectations for Diversified Mining

Guide | Dani Siew, Kate Donnelly, Dr Sam Cornish, Dan Gardiner, Jheel Baldi | 7 September 2023

Investor Expectations for Diversified Mining is a supporting resource to be used in conjunction with the Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. The Standard is an adaptable and rigorous framework for institutional investors to ascertain how mining companies are navigating the multi-faceted and complex sector-specific aspects of the global transition
