Energy Transition Working Group

We provide members with the space and strategic direction to influence government policy and regulation regarding renewable energy.

The group’s goal is to help unlock policy settings that will give new renewables projects the appropriate scale and risk-return profiles for investors to confidently allocate capital.

Factors will include the supply, demand and exit considerations that are impacting the transition to a zero-emissions electricity system and clean exports.

The sub-group was spun out of the main policy and advocacy working group in June 2023

Ian Lieblich


Ian Leiblich
Head of ESG, EG


Bethany Richards
Policy Junior Analyst

Email Bethany

Global Competition for Capital

Our members are struggling to find Australian projects that meet the scale and risk-return profiles available in other markets. To help Australia become a more investable market we provide our members with a clear understanding of renewable energy supply-side opportunities across Federal and State/Territory jurisdictions.

A Just Transition

As we decarbonise our energy system, Australia has the opportunity to provide security for portfolios, communities and companies. This includes understanding Australia’s exposure, via the fossil fuel export industry,  to global emissions-reduction efforts, and assisting emissions-intensive regions to diversify their economies.

Our Areas of Focus


Investment opportunities may involve developing and integrating renewables into a dynamic grid and a coordinated approach to commissioning generators and batteries during the shift away from traditional constant supply.


Providing investors with ways to support efficient energy use, renewable energy certificates, and household energy upgrades.


Supporting a transition away from fossil fuels while maintaining energy supply and minimising transition risks in domestic electricity systems and global exports.

Latest Energy Transition News, Resources, and Events

Investor Expectations for Corporate Just Transition Planning

Report | Chris Newton, Liza McDonald, Richard Proudlove | November 2024

Practical tools and insights to evaluate and engage on company Just Transition plans within transition strategies.


Wave of success: Investors launch ‘Climate Action Pays Off’ campaign

16 October 2024

We have launched a national campaign to showcase clean energy success stories while urging the Federal Parliament to embrace strong climate policy to unlock the next wave of multibillion dollar investment in local industries. 

Submission: Coordinating investment for Australia’s climate goals

7 October 2024

IGCC members support the government's investor front door, which is due to coordinate investment towards meeting Australia's climate goals.

Member briefing: Green Iron, APAC trade and CBAMs

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