Cornelia Palleschitz
Manager, Administration and Events
Based in Sydney, Cornelia is responsible for organising and coordinating IGCC events. She also provides administrative and organisational support to the IGCC team and CEO and provides service support to our members and stakeholders.
Cornelia holds a degree in Austrian Law from the University of Graz, Austria. She gained her experience through her work at law firms, where she supported multiple lawyers by coordinating meetings, drafting documents and conducting research.
Our Work and Impact from 2022
21 December 2022
This year, there was a massive shift in the context for our work. In December 2021 the pent-up need for climate progress was building. As of December 2022, that demand has unequivocally translated into a new and higher baseline for action and continues to gather momentum.
Agriculture & AquacultureAustraliaBuildings & InfrasctructureCircular EconomyClimate Action 100+Climate Solutions & TechCorporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupDecarbonising the EconomyEnergyGovernance & DisclosureInvestor Agenda and ICAPsInvestor PracticeInvestor Practice Working GroupJust TransitionManufacturingMiningNature, Biodiversity & DeforestationNet Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM)Net Zero Investment FrameworkNew ZealandParis-Aligned Asset Owners Initiative (PAAO)Physical Impacts & ResiliencePhysical Risk & Resilience Working GroupPolicy & AdvocacyPolicy & Advocacy Working GroupTransport