Kate Simmonds

Senior Physical Risk and Resilience Advisor

Kate is the Senior Physical Risk and Resilience Advisor at the Investor Group on Climate Change. She is responsible for uplifting investor understanding and action on physical risk, advocating for effective adaptation policy, and supporting opportunities for private investment in resilience.

Kate has also worked within IGCC’s Corporate Engagement team, where she focused on the political, economic, and technical challenges of decarbonising the Australian gas sector. She also supported international projects, such as the Climate Action 100+ Sector Strategies and Net-Zero Company Benchmark.

Previously, Kate worked in the insurance sector as a Senior Climate Analyst for WTW. She led the development of their Australia and New Zealand climate change strategy and built their first physical climate risk models, covering bushfire, flood, and cyclone. She was a member of the Insurance Council of Australia’s Climate Change Action Committee and contributed to the Climate Measurement Standards Initiative.

Kate has a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) from the University of Sydney, a First Class Honours in Climate Science from the University of New South Wales and is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Melbourne.

Submission: National Adaptation Plan to manage physical risks for economy

Submission | Kate Simmonds | 17 April 2024

The first National Adaptation Plan provides is an important opportunity to do this and should consider:
  1. Including a co-developed private finance strategy and plan.
  2. Aligning adaptation across government climate change activities.
  3. Facilitating public-private partnerships and developing frameworks to manage complex adaptation challenges.
  4. Developing and co-funding case studies for best practice private and public-private financing of adaptation and resilience.


Submission: National Adaptation Plan to manage physical risks for economy

17 April 2024

For institutional investors, adaptation is both a systemic risk and an opportunity. However, for private investment to be directed towards adaptation, there are significant barriers that must be addressed.

Submission: Delivering cheap, clean energy for consumers and green industry

Submission | Bethany Richards | 25 March 2024

IGCC welcomes the expansion as it will facilitate investment in new renewables projects, assisting the decarbonisation of households and grid-connected industry. Investment decisions made today will impact the design of a post-2030 electricity system. It is important for the Government to consider:
  • How the merit assessment’s design may favour certain technology types, and how this may impact the future design of the grids.


Submission: Delivering cheap, clean energy for consumers and green industry

25 March 2024

The federal Government's Capacity Investment Scheme will now deliver 32GW of additional renewable energy to Australia's electricity markets. The delivery of this Scheme sets the country up to achieve its 82% renewable energy target by 2030. 

Financial Stability at Risk: Australian Government’s Climate Risk Assessment

12 March 2024

The volatility of climate change will spread to Australia’s financial sector, according to the first national risk assessment released by the Australian Government.