Resource type: Submission

Submission: Investible Plan for Green Metals

Submission | Bethany Richards | 18 July 2024

Key points: The Investor Group on Climate Change welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission on accelerating investment in green metals industries, as part of the Future Made in Australia agenda. This submission will highlight barriers and opportunities for investors, and for green metals industries. These include the following barriers:


Submission: Targets set the direction and pace of policy ambition

Submission | Erwin Jackson and Bethany Richards | 21 May 2024

Key points
  1. Social licence is a significant factor in the successful adoption and implementation of any future climate policy. To fulfil obligations under the Climate Change Authority Act, the Authority should recommend the Government allocate at least $10 million a year to the Authority to undertake meaningful public consultation and


Submission: Energy and Electricity Sector Plan to shape clean economy

Submission | Bethany Richards | 24 April 2024

IGCC has long advocated for detailed sector by sector decarbonisation plans to support a least cost transition to net zero emissions. IGCC understands that these Sector Plans come at a time where a new 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) will be set under the Paris Agreement. IGCC encourages the Government


Submission: National Adaptation Plan to manage physical risks for economy

Submission | Kate Simmonds | 17 April 2024

The first National Adaptation Plan provides is an important opportunity to do this and should consider:
  1. Including a co-developed private finance strategy and plan.
  2. Aligning adaptation across government climate change activities.
  3. Facilitating public-private partnerships and developing frameworks to manage complex adaptation challenges.
  4. Developing and co-funding case studies for best practice


Submission: Delivering cheap, clean energy for consumers and green industry

Submission | Bethany Richards | 25 March 2024

IGCC welcomes the expansion as it will facilitate investment in new renewables projects, assisting the decarbonisation of households and grid-connected industry. Investment decisions made today will impact the design of a post-2030 electricity system. It is important for the Government to consider:
  • How the merit assessment’s design may favour certain


Submission: Draft standard for climate reporting critical for attracting investment capital in Australia

Submission | Amy Quinton | March 1 2024

As major markets move to mandate climate-related financial disclosures, these new requirements will help Australia remain a competitive destination for investment capital.  These reforms are a natural evolution of Australia’s strong corporate governance framework to promote efficient and resilient markets.    IGCC’s Submission to Treasury’s consultation on Exposure Draft standard: 
  • Supports


Submission on Mandatory Climate Disclosures – Draft Legislation

Submission | Amy Quinton | 13 February 2024

Our submission supports the direction of the legislation and provides insights on where the legislation needs to be clearer, particularly reporting threshold criteria for investment institutions.


A picture of Amy Quinton

Climate Financial Disclosures Submission – Second Treasury’s Consultation Paper

Submission | Amy Quinton | July 2023

Australia is broadly on the right track when it comes to mandatory climate disclosures; the sooner investors can get a reliable and comprehensive picture of climate risks and opportunities for the companies they hold, the sooner they can efficiently put capital to work decarbonising the economy.


Submission: Climate Change Authority – Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets – Issues Paper

Submission | Erwin Jackson | June 2023

IGCC’s submission covers four main topics:
  • National and sector pathways and goals should be 1.5°C aligned.
  • Currently, the physical impacts of climate change are significantly under-priced in financial markets.
  • Australia can be a world leader in resilience
  • Australia needs quality climate modelling and scenarios covering both transition and physical risks.
