Initiative: Climate Action 100+ Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change. Net Zero Standard For Diversified Miners Now Available 7 September 2023 This standard, produced by Climate Action 100+, will provide investors with the necessary metrics to help assess diversified mining companies’ transition plans to net zero. Climate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupInvestor Group on Climate Change Investor Expectations for Diversified Mining Guide | Dani Siew, Kate Donnelly, Dr Sam Cornish, Dan Gardiner, Jheel Baldi | 7 September 2023 Investor Expectations for Diversified Mining is a supporting resource to be used in conjunction with the Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. The Standard is an adaptable and rigorous framework for institutional investors to ascertain how mining companies are navigating the multi-faceted and complex sector-specific aspects of the global transition to net zero.Download AustraliaClimate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupMiningNew Zealand Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining Guide | Climate Action 100+ | 6 September 2023 This standard will help investors to assess how mining companies are navigating this complex transition to net zero. It incorporates the comprehensive range of considerations specific to this sector, and provides a rigorous framework that is adaptable to the varied value chains, individual aims and strategies of diversified miners. Download Climate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupMining Climate Action 100+ Announces Second Phase 8 June 2023 The initiative has evolved its core goals, improved and expanded the ways investors can participate, and enhanced the investor engagement model. The new phase, running until 2030, intends to inspire a global scale-up in active ownership, markedly shifting the focus from corporate climate-related disclosure to the implementation of climate transition plans. AustraliaClimate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupDecarbonising the Economy Climate Action 100+ Produces Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining: Consultation Draft 18 May 2023 Climate Action 100+, the world's largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has produced a consultation draft of the Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining. AustraliaClimate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupInvestor Group on Climate ChangeMining Climate Action 100+ releases the latest evolution of the Net Zero Company Benchmark 30 March 2023 In consultation with investor signatories, the initiative releases today an updated Benchmark (Benchmark 2.0) to ensure that it continues to effectively support investor engagements with focus companies during this critical decade. The enhancements made intend to embed a stronger focus on emissions reductions, alignment with 1.5°C pathways and the robustness of transition plans. The Benchmark will remain one of the key pillars of the initiative as it embarks upon Phase 2. Climate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupDecarbonising the EconomyGovernance & Disclosure Five Years of Climate Action 100+ Progress and Next Phase 1 February 2023 The initiative has played a significant role in moving heavy emitting focus companies towards net zero, but this must accelerate. Climate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupEnergyInvestor Group on Climate ChangeMining Our Work and Impact from 2022 21 December 2022 This year, there was a massive shift in the context for our work. In December 2021 the pent-up need for climate progress was building. As of December 2022, that demand has unequivocally translated into a new and higher baseline for action and continues to gather momentum. Agriculture & AquacultureAustraliaBuildings & InfrasctructureCircular EconomyClimate Action 100+Climate Solutions & TechCorporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupDecarbonising the EconomyEnergyGovernance & DisclosureInvestor Agenda and ICAPsInvestor PracticeInvestor Practice Working GroupJust TransitionManufacturingMiningNature, Biodiversity & DeforestationNet Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM)Net Zero Investment FrameworkNew ZealandParis-Aligned Asset Owners Initiative (PAAO)Physical Risk & Resilience Working GroupPhysical Risk, Adaptation & ResiliencePolicy & AdvocacyPolicy & Advocacy Working GroupTransport Unlocking Investment In The Australian Hydrogen Industry This post is members-only. Please sign in to view details. Sign in Changing Pathways for Australian Gas Report | Kate Simmonds and Kate Donnelly | April 2022 This report highlights that under 1.5°C Paris-aligned scenarios new gas projects may be economically challenged, and investors may be cautious of capex in the sector. The report represents input from some of Australia’s largest superannuation funds and retail fund managers, who invest on behalf of more than 7.5 million Australians.Download AustraliaClimate Action 100+Corporate EngagementCorporate Engagement Working GroupEnergy