Market: Australia

Submission: Targets set the direction and pace of policy ambition

21 May 2024

IGCC supports the Authority’s proposal to set a 1.5oC aligned target with the highest possible level of ambition. National targets and economic strategies that are aligned to 1.5oC will deliver the best long-term returns to investors and the retirement savings of millions of Australians.

Max Hamra

As a Manager in the Corporate Engagement team, Max’s primary focus revolves around supporting institutional investors in their corporate engagement efforts as part of Phase II of Climate Action 100+. He also contributes to their objectives through thought leadership and analysis, primarily focusing on the energy sector. 

Submission: Energy and Electricity Sector Plan to shape clean economy

Submission | Bethany Richards | 24 April 2024

IGCC has long advocated for detailed sector by sector decarbonisation plans to support a least cost transition to net zero emissions. IGCC understands that these Sector Plans come at a time where a new 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) will be set under the Paris Agreement. IGCC encourages the Government


Submission: Energy and Electricity Sector Plan to shape clean economy

24 April 2024

IGCC welcomes the release of the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan Discussion Paper and recognises it as an opportunity to shape a decarbonised economy for Australia, which necessitates a clean, renewable energy supply for the economy, homes, communities and industries.

Submission: National Adaptation Plan to manage physical risks for economy

17 April 2024

For institutional investors, adaptation is both a systemic risk and an opportunity. However, for private investment to be directed towards adaptation, there are significant barriers that must be addressed.

“Future Made in Australia” Announcement is a Step Towards a Competitive Economy

12 April 2024

The vision outlined by Prime Minister introducing the Future Made in Australia Act (the Act) is a step towards making Australia competitive in a world accelerating the clean energy transition.

Submission: Delivering cheap, clean energy for consumers and green industry

Submission | Bethany Richards | 25 March 2024

IGCC welcomes the expansion as it will facilitate investment in new renewables projects, assisting the decarbonisation of households and grid-connected industry. Investment decisions made today will impact the design of a post-2030 electricity system. It is important for the Government to consider:
  • How the merit assessment’s design may favour certain


Submission: Delivering cheap, clean energy for consumers and green industry

25 March 2024

The federal Government's Capacity Investment Scheme will now deliver 32GW of additional renewable energy to Australia's electricity markets. The delivery of this Scheme sets the country up to achieve its 82% renewable energy target by 2030.