Market: Australia

Mobilising Climate Investments in Emerging Markets

Report | Laura Hillis | 2 May 2023

This report looks at the opportunities and barriers for Australian investors to fund renewable energy in our region. Estimates suggest climate solutions in emerging markets could be worth US$2 trillion per year by 2026. And many emerging markets must manage the dual challenge of decarbonsing their systems while driving social and economic development.


Investors Welcome Treasurer’s Clean Energy Roundtable

19 April 2023

Strong, just and credible climate masterplans for the energy, transport, agriculture, and industry sectors will help provide clarity and certainty for investors looking to allocate capital for Australian climate solutions, said The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) today.

Driving Australian Climate Innovation

Report | Charles Ramsden, Mitch Shannon & Zoe Whitton | April 2023

Unlocking Capital to Support a Clean Industrial Innovation


Collaboration to Support Transition: Investor positions on public ownership of renewable energy.

Report | Clean Energy Investor Group & Investor Group on Climate Change | April 2023

This position paper provides guidance to investors and governments on how to work together to achieve a 1.5 degree aligned NEM.
It also aims to help governments design policy and shape its public investments in the energy transition.


Member Briefing on The Safeguard Mechanism

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The State of Net Zero Investment in Australia

7 March 2023

A new survey of institutional investors managing $2.1 trillion in Australia shows encouraging progress towards net zero by 2050. However, acceleration is needed to hit 2030 decarbonisation milestones, and to protect beneficiary returns from physical climate damage and disruption.

The State of Net Zero Investment in Australia 2022

Report | Investor Group on Climate Change | 3 March 2023

A survey of institutional investors managing $2.1 trillion in Australia. It shows encouraging progress towards net zero by 2050, but with acceleration needed to hit 2030 decarbonisation milestones, and to protect beneficiary returns from physical climate risks. The sample is investors managing approximately 60% of total local AUM. There were 53 respondents, with median AUM of AUD$28 billion.


Policy Briefing: APRA – Climate Vulnerability Assessment | February 2023

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New Legal Advice: Climate Reporting Standards Keep Focus on Financial Impacts

6 February 2023

A new legal opinion shows that when companies publish their plans it’s valuable and appropriate for those statements to have a reasonable basis. That level of clarity must be protected, because it is a crucial part of giving investors confidence so they can allocate capital in support of credible and robust business strategies