Topic: Decarbonising the Economy

Joint Statement: Australia’s Superpower Opportunity

27 November 2023

The Federal Government is currently considering major decisions on a renewable superpower strategy. Our organisations agree that the global transition to net zero emissions can provide substantial and broadly shared economic and jobs opportunities for Australia, while preventing the worst impacts of climate change.

Climate Action 100+ Announces New Investor Members of Global Steering Committee

22 November 2023

The new members increase investor representation on the Steering Committee and expand the mix of geographic experience and expertise.

Submission: Market drivers to reward renewable electricity

2 November 2023

IGCCs submission to the Federal Government’s consultation on an Australia’s Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) scheme focuses on providing investment certainty for the creation of renewable energy certificates beyond 2030. With the decarbonisation of the electricity sector over the next 10-15 years central to Australia achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, the evolution of renewable energy certificates is essential to aligning demand with supply and creating the incentive structures for renewable energy growth in Australia.

Investable Sector Climate Plans Are Crucial to Clean Energy Competitiveness

2 November 2023

Right now the Australian government is developing climate plans for the economy's most important sectors. This new paper discusses how to make those plans investable.

Decarbonisation Investment Solutions for Sectors

Report | Dr Ian Woods & Dr Rory Sullivan | 3rd November 2023

A discussion paper on Sector Transition Plans and their importance to investors


Investing in Australia’s Vital Regions

Report | Kate Donnelly & Chris Newton | 26 October 2023


Illustration with a nature background behind the climate action 100 logo.

Companies’ Climate Ambition Contrasted By Lack Of Detailed Action Plans

18 October 2023

Climate Action 100+, the world’s largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has released the latest round of company assessments against its newly updated Net Zero Company Benchmark, drawing on distinct analytical methodologies and datasets from public and self-disclosed data from companies.
Illustration with a nature background behind the climate action 100 logo.

Climate Action 100+ Summary Presentation of Global Company Assessments

Briefing | Climate Action 100+ | 18 October 2023

The Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark evaluates the performance of some of the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters on their net zero transition, and against the initiative’s three high-level goals: emissions reduction, governance, and disclosure.
