Topic: Investor Group on Climate Change
7 March 2023
A new survey of institutional investors managing $2.1 trillion in Australia shows encouraging progress towards net zero by 2050.
However, acceleration is needed to hit 2030 decarbonisation milestones, and to protect beneficiary returns from physical climate damage and disruption.
6 March 2023
Finance Sector urges Parliament to pass Safeguard Mechanism reform and take further action to support emissions reductions.
21 February 2023
As Director of Investor Practice, Duncan will take on executive responsibility for accelerating climate-aligned investment throughout the membership, and ensuring members are well-equipped with leading tools and knowledge in the rapidly evolving sector.
1 February 2023
The initiative has played a significant role in moving heavy emitting focus companies towards net zero, but this must accelerate.
12 December 2022
Key Points
- The Australian Treasurer today opened consultation on mandatory climate disclosures.
- A mandatory climate disclosure regime will;
- Support efficient investment in companies and projects aligned with net zero emissions,
- Help Australian companies stay attractive in global capital markets,
- Help investors, regulators, and other stakeholders form a comprehensive, reliable understanding of the economy’s overall climate risks and opportunities,
- Reduce the reporting burden for companies that need to disclose into multiple jurisdictions,
- Help protect against greenwashing.
1 December 2022
1 December 2022
The Australian Government has agreed to establish sector pathways to net zero emissions, based on the recommendations in today’s report by The Climate Change Authority.
Quotes from IGCC Director of Policy, Erwin Jackson:
“Investors have the capital ready to fund climate solutions. A reliable picture of the risks and opportunities across all sectors of the economy will open the door for investors to allocate capital to these solutions with confidence.”
30 November 2022
The assessment of the banks has started to paint a picture of future investment risks, but more is needed to ensure we have a more robust picture of the systemic risk that climate change presents to the economy.
17 November 2022
Survey covers NZ$331b in AUM, estimated at 73% of total New Zealand AUM
Key findings include:
- Most New Zealand wealth managers have yet to meaningfully engage on climate issues
- Most asset owners are not proactively setting mandates for fund managers to incorporate climate risk and opportunities
- Top-down climate governance from investors is lacking
- Investment in climate solutions (and associated targets) is low
The survey also highlights positive developments that provide a platform for further action:
- Investors of all sizes are progressing with annual climate reporting, even those not covered by the upcoming climate-reporting regulation
- Over half (58%) of investors now have a climate policy in place – ideally this will continue to rise to 100% over the next 12 months.
16 November 2022
The IGCC has an opportunity and responsibility to influence the policies that will unlock the billions of dollars in private investment capital that are needed to finance Australia’s transition to a resilient, net zero economy.
IGCC is seeking a candidate who is motivated to join a team contributing to positive climate impact at a systemic level.
10 November 2022
Also releases initial target disclosures for a further 13 signatories
- This inaugural Progress Report showcases innovation and best practice amongst asset owners for turning net zero commitments into action.
- New targets mean 40 asset owners have disclosed initial targets since March 2021.
- The global Paris Aligned Asset Owners initiative has attracted 57 signatories representing over $3.3 trillion AUM.