Topic: Just Transition

State of Climate Investment Report for Aotearoa New Zealand

Report | Aotearoa New Zealand Investor Coalition for Net Zero | 3 July 2024

This report covers the climate investment practices of investors with approximately NZ$230bn of Assets under Management. This is around two thirds of total AUM in New Zealand.


Submission: Energy and Electricity Sector Plan to shape clean economy

Submission | Bethany Richards | 24 April 2024

IGCC has long advocated for detailed sector by sector decarbonisation plans to support a least cost transition to net zero emissions. IGCC understands that these Sector Plans come at a time where a new 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) will be set under the Paris Agreement. IGCC encourages the Government


Submission: Energy and Electricity Sector Plan to shape clean economy

24 April 2024

IGCC welcomes the release of the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan Discussion Paper and recognises it as an opportunity to shape a decarbonised economy for Australia, which necessitates a clean, renewable energy supply for the economy, homes, communities and industries.

“Future Made in Australia” Announcement is a Step Towards a Competitive Economy

12 April 2024

The vision outlined by Prime Minister introducing the Future Made in Australia Act (the Act) is a step towards making Australia competitive in a world accelerating the clean energy transition.

Submission: Strategic phase out of fossil fuels for future-proofed green industries

21 November 2023

To maintain and attract capital for Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, actions in different sectors must add up to and be consistent with the Government’s stated policy objective of limiting climate change damages above 1.5oC. The Future Gas Strategy should be aligned with this objective and be embedded within a credible set of sector decarbonisation plans. 

Investing in Australia’s Vital Regions

Report | Kate Donnelly & Chris Newton | 26 October 2023


Illustration with a nature background behind the climate action 100 logo.

Companies’ Climate Ambition Contrasted By Lack Of Detailed Action Plans

18 October 2023

Climate Action 100+, the world’s largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has released the latest round of company assessments against its newly updated Net Zero Company Benchmark, drawing on distinct analytical methodologies and datasets from public and self-disclosed data from companies.