Topic: Physical Impacts & Resilience

Submission: Resilient and adaptive residential assets

5 October 2023

IGCCs submission to the Senate inquiry on residential electrification discusses demand-side investment opportunities via the aggregation of actively controlled Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The submission considers how such scaled, orchestrated DER opportunities can reduce long-term electricity price inflation and create enduring social, employment, and health benefits for Australian families.

IGCC Summit 2023 Panel Discussions

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Submission: Economic Modelling to support investible sector pathways

19 September 2023

IGCC has made a submission to the Climate Change Authority's consultation on economic modelling, to support its advice to Government for Australia’s 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement.

Road to Resilience – An investor action plan for an adaptive and resilient economy

Report | Michael Bones, Kate Simmonds, Erwin Jackson, Bethany Richards | 22 August 2023

“Road to Resilience” is a new strategy to stimulate investment in climate resilience, protecting against the physical risks of climate change. The key objectives are:
  • Integrating physical risk and resilience into existing climate-related activities.
  • Developing a shared understanding of physical climate risks among stakeholders.
  • Advocating for investable policy that proactively


Working Group Recap: Physical Risk and Listed Equities

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Road to Resilience: An investor action plan for an adaptive and sustainable economy

22 August 2023

The Investor Group on Climate Change, whose members manage more than $30 trillion globally, today launched “Road to Resilience” a new strategy to stimulate investment in climate resilience, protecting against the physical risks of climate change.

Telstra’s Approach to Physical Climate Risk

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Member Briefing: Investor Expectations – National Climate Risk Assessment

Briefing | Kate Simmonds and Erwin Jackson | July 2023

The National Climate Risk Assessment (NCRA) has the potential to significantly increase understanding and management of physical risk in Australia, should it be developed with meaningful stakeholder engagement. Read about IGCC’s recommendations for the NCRA to ensure it is credible, decision-useful, collaborative, and transparent.


The State of Net Zero Investment in Australia

7 March 2023

A new survey of institutional investors managing $2.1 trillion in Australia shows encouraging progress towards net zero by 2050. However, acceleration is needed to hit 2030 decarbonisation milestones, and to protect beneficiary returns from physical climate damage and disruption.