Market: Australia

1.5°c sector strategies can supercharge investment

18 July 2023

The government will start developing plans to decarbonise key economic sectors, one of the top priorities identified by investors. The Investor Group on Climate Change says robust sectoral decarbonisation plans can support investment in climate solutions.

Sector Pathways Workshop

Workshop | 26 July 2023 @ 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Timezone: Australia/Sydney
IGCC is developing a report into pathways to decarbonise the economy's critical sectors. We are seeking members’ input at this workshop.

Energy Sub Working Group meeting: 28 August

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Energy Sub-Working Group: potential policy priorities

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Submission: Climate Change Authority – Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets – Issues Paper

Submission | Erwin Jackson | June 2023

IGCC’s submission covers four main topics:
  • National and sector pathways and goals should be 1.5°C aligned.
  • Currently, the physical impacts of climate change are significantly under-priced in financial markets.
  • Australia can be a world leader in resilience
  • Australia needs quality climate modelling and scenarios covering both transition and physical risks.


Truck in tunnel

The Federal Government’s Critical Minerals Strategy

Report | The Australian Government | 20 June 2023

The Critical Minerals Strategy 2023–2030 is a framework to grow Australia’s critical minerals sector.
The Australian critical minerals sector is well placed to seize the opportunities of the clean energy transition
thanks to Australia’s:
  • rich geological reserves
  • expertise at extracting minerals
  • track record as a reliable producer and exporter of energy and resources.


Climate Action 100+ Announces Second Phase

8 June 2023

The initiative has evolved its core goals, improved and expanded the ways investors can participate, and enhanced the investor engagement model. The new phase, running until 2030, intends to inspire a global scale-up in active ownership, markedly shifting the focus from corporate climate-related disclosure to the implementation of climate transition plans.

Bethany Richards

Bethany comes with knowledge of mechanisms such as safeguard emissions reporting, and border adjustment mechanisms.

Michael Bones

Michael is a strategist and adviser who has worked with some of Australia’s top climate advocates, purpose-driven entrepreneurs and political campaigners

Climate Action 100+ Produces Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining: Consultation Draft

18 May 2023

Climate Action 100+, the world's largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has produced a consultation draft of the Net Zero Standard for Diversified Mining.