Corporate Engagement

We support institutional investors engaging with heavy emitters in the Australian economy, aiming for a level of ambition that aligns with a 1.5° pathway.

Corporate engagement helps investors:
  • maximise long-term, risk-adjusted value,
  • reach their portfolio climate targets,
  • improve the climate risk profile of their portfolio, and
  • reduce and mitigate systemic climate risk in the broader economy.

Most of our corporate engagement work is linked to the global Climate Action 100+ initiative, and includes company, thematic and sector level decarbonisation engagement across the Australian economy.

Key Resources for Corporate Engagement

The Investor Group on Climate Change has created foundational pieces of thought leadership for institutional investors.

Corporate Climate Transition Plans: A Guide to Investor Expectations

March 2022

This report helps companies preparing climate transition plans and investors engaging with companies on their decarbonisation strategies. By summarising existing guidance it provides a clear set of investor expectations on climate transition disclosures.

Download Here 

A Changing Climate: What Investors Expect of Company Directors on Climate Risk

November 2021

This report clearly articulates expectations regarding the experience, action and responsibilities that constitute a climate competent board and uses these criteria to assess the climate change governance approaches for significant Australian greenhouse gas emitters.

Download Here 

Supporting Investors on Engagement

Coordination of the Corporate Engagement Working Group

The all-member Corporate Engagement Working Group is co-chaired by Australian Super’s Andrew Grey (left) and focuses on current and emerging climate stewardship objectives and challenges. Sub-working groups are convened on an as-needs basis to address specific sector or thematic barriers to progress

Leading the Implementation of the Climate Action 100+ Initiative

As a founding partner of this global initiative, we facilitate investor engagement with 14 ASX-listed companies on climate related risks and opportunities.

Visit the Climate Action 100 Website

Developing Thought Leadership, Analysis & Guidance

On climate risks and opportunities across key sectors and themes (including climate governance, capital alignment, disclosure and target setting).

Capacity Building on Engagement

Through member briefings, knowledge sharing and master classes on climate related active stewardship challenges, engagement and corporate transition plans.

Connecting IGCC Members and Local Signatories to Global Climate Action 100+ Projects

Representing IGCC members and local signatories on global Climate Action initiatives, projects and working groups, and facilitating cross-border engagement initiatives.

Providing Updates on Global Trends in Stewardship and Engagement

Highlighting relevant shareholder resolutions, and global research and initiatives focused on relevant key sectors and themes.

Climate Action 100+

We are a founding partner of Climate Action 100+ and facilitate its implementation in Australasia.

Climate Action 100+ is the world’s largest investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.

Read the latest progress report 

Net Zero Company Benchmark 2.0

Climate Action100+ assesses companies against the Net Zero Company Benchmark, which was produced in close consultation with investors and has been updated to ensure that it continues to effectively support investors’ engagements.
Recent enhancements embed a stronger focus on emissions reductions, alignment with 1.5°C pathways and the robustness of transition plans.

Read about the benchmark and the recent updates

Australasian Region Focus Companies

Climate Action 100+ focuses on the biggest public company emitters. In Australasia this includes companies in the Cement, electric utilities, diversified mining, steel, chemicals, oil & gas, airlines, other industrials, consumer goods & services sectors.

Adbri Limited​
AGL Energy ​
BHP Group​
Bluescope Steel ​
Boral ​

Incitec Pivot Limited​
Orica ​
Origin Energy ​
Qantas Airways ​
Rio Tinto​

Santos ​
South32 ​
Woodside Petroleum ​
Woolworths Group ​

Key Developments for Phase Two

The initiative’s new phase, launched in June 2023,

  • updates its core goals,
  • improves and expands the ways investors can participate,
  • enhances the investor engagement model, and
  • updates the list of focus companies to reflect changes like mergers and acquisitions.

The new phase, running until 2030, shifts the focus from corporate climate-related disclosure to the implementation of climate transition plans. It intends to inspire a global scale-up in active ownership.

Read the media release…

Latest Corporate Engagement News, Resources, and Events.

The State of New Zealand’s Climate Investment 2024

3 July 2024

The third annual New Zealand State of Net Zero Investment report on investors with more than NZ$230 billion under management, shows too-slow climate action.

The Australian State of Net Zero Investment Report – 2024

Report | Investor Group on Climate Change | 30 May 2024

The most comprehensive and rigorous analysis of net zero investment practices in Australia.


Max Hamra

As a Manager in the Corporate Engagement team, Max’s primary focus revolves around supporting institutional investors in their corporate engagement efforts as part of Phase II of Climate Action 100+. He also contributes to their objectives through thought leadership and analysis, primarily focusing on the energy sector.